domingo, 22 de julio de 2007

The procedure to make a cake is:

1.- Bat sugar, and butter until it is uniform and compact
2.- Milk, the flour is added to him, the eggs, and the rum, little by little until it is uniforms
3.- The mold is taken hold and everything of butter is greased
4.- In order to finalize made the mixture to the mold
5.- Soon the mixture puts to the furnace by one hour and the list

6.- By I complete if it wishes can adom it with snowed or pastelera cream

My ability is to cook

I cook cares, erackers, and eaten in general
I make these meals for my family
I use things that I buy in a supermarket
the ingredients that I need are:
1.- Milk
2.- Eggs
3.- Butter
4.- Flour
5.- Sugar
6.- Rum

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